After a gentle alien becomes stranded on Earth, the being is discovered and befriended by a young boy named Elliott. Bringing the extraterrestrial into his suburban California house, Elliott introduces E.T., as the alien is dubbed, to his brother and his little sister, Gertie, and the children decide to keep its existence a secret. Soon, however, E.T. falls ill, resulting in government intervention and a dire situation for both Elliott and the alien.
Henry Thomas,Drew Barrymore,Robert MacNaughton,Peter Coyote,Dee Wallace,Erika Eleniak,K. C. Martel,C. Thomas Howell,Sean Frye,David M. O'Dell,Richard Swingler,Frank Toth,Robert Barton,Michael Darrell,David Berkson,David Carlberg,Milt Kogan,Alexander Lampone,Rhoda Makoff,Robert Murphy,Richard Pesavento,Tom Sherry,Susan Cameron,Will Fowler Jr.,Barbara Hartnett,Diane Lampone,Mary Stein,Mitch Suskin,Ted Grossman,James Kahn,Anne Lockhart,Melissa Mathison,Chuck Riley,Pat Welsh,Debra Winger
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$10.00 each |
$6.00 each |
Convenience Fee: | $1.75 |
Tax Rate: | $8.25% |
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